Sunday, July 15, 2007


St Ignatius of Loyola taught the examen as part of his Spiritual Exercises. It is a way of connecting with the presence of God in our lives and discerning the direction in which we should go. The simplest form of the examen consists in asking two questions:
For what moment today am I most grateful?
For what moment today am I least grateful?
These questions help us identify moments of consolation – that for which we are most grateful – and desolation – that for which we are least grateful. Ignatius expected that God would speak to us through these moments of deepest feelings and yearnings. We should aim to do more of what brings us consolation, and to listen to and respond to what brings us desolation. Done regularly over a period of time, the examen can guide our lives and help us to make wise choices.

Doing the examen
Find a quiet place where you can sit and relax. Take a moment to quiet yourself and to breathe deeply. You may find it helpful to light a candle
to remind you of the presence of God.
Ask God to bring to your heart the moment for which you are most grateful. Reflect on what made it so special. Stay with this moment and breathe in the gratitude and life that it brought to you.
Ask God to bring to your heart the moment for which you are least grateful. Reflect on what made it so difficult. Stay with your feelings and ask God to fill you with his love. Give thanks for what you have just experienced.
adapted from

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